The Witch’s Dream

In the eerie darkness of the night, the Witch, clad in her typical attire, sat alone. Suddenly, a figure shrouded in a black cloak and carrying a banner with the word “Fear” printed on it stepped forward, his voice echoing hauntingly in the stillness.

“Ha, ha, ha, it’s very queer, that you don’t recognize me here; I travel with you every year,” he intoned. “Old Witch, I introduce myself, I, am FEAR!” he finished, his voice a chilling whisper.

His presence seemed to unsettle the Witch. “Hallowe’en is drawing near, I never felt one-half so queer; strange shapes and phantoms now appear, hark! What noises do I hear?” she murmured to herself.

Suddenly, a gust of wind whipped through the area, bringing with it a voice that proclaimed, “OOO—OOO—OOO, I blow and blow, I am the boisterous Wind you know. Ha, ha, I’ll scare you without doubt, where is the Witch? Come out, come out. Ha, ha, I never make a mistake, we’re due to burn you at the stake!”

The Witch, frightened, called upon her trusty companions. First was the Owl, wearing an owl mask and gray cape, followed by the Cat in a cat mask and black cape. They pledged their loyalty and protection, with the Owl hooting, “Tu-whit, tu-whoo, we’ll stay by you, faithful mascots tried and true,” and the Cat speaking a rhyme of an old witch who flew away and never returned.

As their tales echoed in the dark, a figure wrapped in a raincoat and cap stepped forward. Rain tapped a rhythm on the window pane, a goblin in disguise. The Owl took up Rain’s chant, vowing to stay vigilant.

Then, through the dark clouds, the Moon appeared. Dressed in a yellow suit, with a moon face, he recited stories of the many sights he’d seen, stirring more fear into the Witch’s heart.

In her fright, Fear danced around, waving her wand menacingly. The Witch was further disturbed when four boys, each carrying a broom, arrived. They shouted and swept, their rhymes threatening the Witch. They terrified her so much that they made her scream.

The scene was interrupted by the entrance of Jack-o’-Lantern, who, while seemingly terrifying, added a comical element to the otherwise chilling night. The others observed his large eyes and nose, but it was his mouth that was meant to scare them all.

Just when Fear seemed to be winning the night, a figure dressed brightly and carrying a banner with the word “Courage” printed on it entered. Courage danced and laughed, dispelling the fear and adding a sense of warmth and merriment to the once ominous night.

Finally, when the darkness lifted, and the lights of the morning began to glow, the Witch confessed her fearful dream to the Cat and the Owl. The Cat, in a teasing tone, asked the Witch to teach her to dream. The Witch vowed to be kinder and not scare people anymore, although her companions doubted her sincerity.

As the Witch and her companions celebrated the end of Hallowe’en, they, along with all the other characters, gathered to sing a song. They warned of the dangers of Hallowe’en, advising everyone to be polite and cautious, and finally wishing everyone a good night.
