If you dig for Fairy Gold,
You must be careful, so I am told,
Never to let the secret out,
Or it will vanish beyond a doubt!
The Funny Fox called to Mrs. Fox one moonlight night,
“We will take the wheelbarrow old,
And we’ll dig for Fairy Gold.”
So off they started, Old Mrs. Fox riding in the wheelbarrow, Until they came to the place where the Fox wanted to dig for hidden treasure.
“Click, click, click,” went his spade in the ground. “Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!” he cried, As he dug out two boxes and continued to dig up more gold than he had ever dreamed of.
They lost no time, you may be sure, In filling the wheelbarrow with the treasure, And took turns in wheeling it homeward. They made plans for spending some of the loose coins, And they decided to hide the rest away.
They even planned to make a present to the Bold Badger, Who was their faithful friend.
As they went homeward, the Funny Fox said over and over, “Money is a good servant.”
The moon laughed as he saw the Funny Fox hide his gold away, For he knew if one steals Fairy Gold, bad luck will follow him, Unless he gives it up.