Stories About Worries

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The collection includes a variety of stories that explore the theme of worries, uncertainty, and personal growth. Each story addresses different aspects of concern, from childhood fears to existential questions.

In the story Who will I be when I grow up?, Leo, an 11-year-old boy, faces anxiety about his future and feels disconnected from his confident peers. His journey of self-discovery is guided by an ancient Oak tree that encourages him to embrace his childhood rather than rush to define his future. Similarly, in Troubled about many things, a poem explores deep concerns about mortality, contrasting the stillness of death with the ongoing vibrancy of life.

Themes of fear and uncertainty appear again in stories such as The Storm, where characters like Bibi, Bobint, and Calixta navigate a violent storm, reflecting on their own fears and past experiences. Another story, The Lost Years, follows a king who, driven by the worry of protecting his kingdom from trolls, makes drastic decisions that ultimately prevent him from enjoying life.

The theme of overcoming personal challenges is present in How Camping Changed a Troubled Child, where Emily’s behavior transforms after a camping trip helps her focus and become more engaged. In The Teacher’s Back to School Jitters, Jada, a preschool teacher, faces her own anxieties about returning to school but is reassured by her students’ support.

Stories about loss and change also feature prominently, such as in The Pomegranate Seeds, where Proserpina is abducted to the underworld, and in Marianna, where a young girl faces betrayal and discovers her royal lineage. These stories, alongside others like The King’s Birthday and The Yellow Dwarf, delve into themes of fate, identity, and the emotional burdens people carry.