Bobby Bright Eyes’ Birthday Party

Once upon a time Bobby Bright Eyes was sitting on the door step crying, when an airy, fairy voice sang:

“I’m the Birthday Fairy flitting by,
Bobby Bright Eyes, why do you cry?”

Bobby was so surprised he looked around to see where the voice came from, but the Fairy was well hidden as she sang again:

“I have secrets more than I ever told,
Little Boy, Little Boy, are you five years old?”

Bobby Bright Eyes dropped into verse too, in his excitement and said:

“Sing it once more, sing it once more,
As yet I am only quarter past four!”

Then the fairy sailed away.

Some time after, Bobby Bright Eyes sat on the door step looking very sad for soon he would be five years old, and he was thinking that he had never had a Birthday Party in his life.

At this very minute a ringing, singing voice cried out:

“I have secrets as well as fairy gold,
Little Boy, Little Boy are you five years old?”

Bobby Bright Eyes replied:

“Sing it once more, sing it once more,
As yet I am only half past four!”

So time went on, and one day the Fairy danced in a tree overhead in plain sight, singing:

“I love you so much I am growing bold,
Little Boy, Little Boy are you five years old?”

Bobby Bright Eyes answered:

“I am glad to know you are still alive,
To-day I am really quarter of five!”

The Birthday Fairy knew then that Bobby Bright Eyes was nearly five years old, so she kissed him on both cheeks and followed him about all day singing:

“Your tasks all wait, so run on after
I’ll follow you with mirth and laughter.”

Bobby had such bright eyes he was always seeing something to be done, without being told. So he ran on out to the barn and gave Pussy Whiskers, the Cat, a drink of milk.

The Birthday Fairy whispered in her ear,
Something not meant for us to hear!

Then Bobby ran on to the neighbor who baked beautiful birthday cakes and carried a letter for her to the Post Office, and, the Fairy whispered to her a minute or so something she did not want us to know!

Then Bobby ran errands for the big fat grocer and the Birthday Fairy was very wise, she whispered to the grocer with twinkling eyes!
Then Bobby shared an apple with the boy next door, and the Birthday Fairy whispered that day something to him ’ere she ran away.
Then Bobby helped a Limpy-Lame Old Man across the street and the Birthday Fairy whispered, “Old Man, I hope you will approve my plan.”
Now every hour Bobby Bright Eyes grew nearer and nearer five years old, and the Birthday Fairy at last said,

“I have more secrets than I can hold,
Little Boy, Little Boy are you five years old?”
At last Bobby replied, clapping his hands:

“Oh, Birthday Fairy will you stay?
For I am five years old to-day.”

Then the Birthday Fairy danced right down beside him replying:

“I’ll stay if you give invitation hearty
To your five year old Birthday Party.”

And before Bobby had time to say he was too poor to have a Birthday Party, pitter-patter, pitter-patter came Pussy Whiskers, carrying a small black kitten in her mouth for a Birthday present. She purred softly:

“I have been told you are five years old
So, I brought you a kitten from my fold.”

Bobby Bright Eyes was happy you may be sure.

Then, the neighbor who baked beautiful birthday cakes came saying:

“I have been told you are five years old,
Here’s a Birthday cake like some I’ve sold.”

It was a wonderful cake with pink and white icing upon it.

Then the big fat grocer came puffing along and cried:

“I have been told you are five years old,
Here are candles that glitter much like gold.”

Sure enough, he had five candles to put on the Birthday cake and when they were lighted they glittered like gold.

Then the little boy from next door ran over and threw a bouncing ball to Bobby Bright Eyes, saying:

“I have been told you are five years old,
Here is a ball to bounce or hold.”

Just as they were beginning to play ball the Limpy-Lame Old Man came, saying:

“I have been told you are five years old,
To present some candy I now make bold.”

The Birthday Fairy had kept her secret well, so they all had the merriest kind of a time, and Bobby Bright Eyes had a Birthday Party after all. The Birthday Fairy was the merriest one of all for she sang as they cut the Birthday Cake:

“A happy Birthday to you dear friend,
From beginning to end, from beginning to end.”
