Explore fascinating tales that dive into the wonders of space, the mysteries of the cosmos, and imaginative explorations beyond Earth. This collection includes stories for all ages, whether inspiring curiosity, imparting knowledge, or offering a touch of humor.
In The Unparalleled Adventures Of One Hans Pfaall, a young girl discovers a portal to a magical realm and bands with its inhabitants to face a looming threat. The Eyes Have It follows a narrator’s accidental discovery of an alien invasion, revealed through a strange book found on a bus, which he ultimately chooses to ignore as he grapples with its surreal nature.
For young learners, Space ABC provides an educational journey through space, covering terms from Apollo to black holes in an alphabetic format. Tales from Mars: Meet Persey, the Perseverance Rover recounts Persey’s 1,000-day Martian mission, revealing the rover’s findings and sharing messages with children on Earth.
In The Astronomer, a stargazing man learns the importance of awareness after falling into a well. The Lost Star tells of a curious star that descends to Earth, only to be lost and ultimately guided back by the moon. Lastly, Amy’s Mission to Recycle, Reuse and Reduce inspires environmental awareness as Amy and her family adopt sustainable practices.